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Weather is physical condition of the atmosphere at a particular time. It includes temperature, air pressure and water content.
Weather is produced when air moves from place to place. This moving air is known as wind. Winds are caused by warm air rising and cooler air moving to replace it. Warm air is usually less dense than cool air, therefore, it creates high air pressure.
Usually we have fine weather when the air pressure is high, and we will have clouds, rain, or snow when air pressure drops.
Text 2.
There has been a great deal of discussion on the problem of abortion. The discussion includes: is abortion legal or ilegal?
When a country faces the problem of over population, the government applied some methods to solve it. One of them is the method of contraception. However, this method is not one hundred percent effective and succesful. Consequently, some people argue that the abortion is the only effective way out.
Nevertheless, abortion may causes many negative effect for women’s health.
Women risk their health and lives in bearing the weight of the operation and its consequences. The most common complication are inflammation, infertility, endometriosis, and many other kinds of ovary illnesses.
So far, abortions have become a dilemma for countries with a large number of citizens.
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