Minggu, 08 Desember 2013


Berikut daftar nilai AGAMA ISLAM Ujian 2 des' 13 kls 11 IPA/IPS

1. Abdul      55                1. Andria      81             1. Agung      43
2. Abiyyu    82                 2. Aries        32             2. Astari      61
3. Jaka        75                 3. Bagas      53              3. Brigitta     -
4. Beryl       46                 4. Bella        66              4. Daud       -
5. Gasani         72             5. cantika    80               5. Debby      -
6. Dzulfahmi    62             6. Clara       77               6. Desi        72
7. Efdise          69             7. Fatma     89               7. Fajar       54
8. Hazim         61              8. Hilastia    68              8. Fariz        77

9. Hilmi           75              9. Nyoman         -         9. Fatur       72
10. Intan         85              10. Gede Ivan     -       10. Febrina  76
11. Faqih        67              11. Irfan          46         11. Fiya       78
12. Maria        -              12. Ivendra       46         12. Gerry     61
13. Maulana   74              13. Karina       85         13. Helvia    85
14. Rofi          43             14. Kemal        77         14. Naufal   46
15. Togar       84              15. Lingga       78          15. Nurul     96
16. Nina         73              16. Maftuh      89          16. Panji      48
17. Radifan     53              17. Shiva        54          17. Putra       -
18. Rafidah     92              18. Audy        75          18.Asya        -
19. Regiana    64             19. Piyo          39           19. Rizki       77
20. Revinda    87             20. Putri          64           20. Tyas       69
21. Rosi         68             21. Rahayu      44           21. Yolanda  81
22. Suci         80             22. Ria            79           22. pingkan  60
23. Surya       38
24. Taufan      61
25. Ummu       61
26. Jibril           -

berikut daftar nilai AGAMA ISLAM  Ujian 2 des' 13 kls 12 IPA/IPS

1. Arief              39                    1. Adinda             42
2. Deo               40                    2. Adzani              70
3. Danan            58                    3. Christine            -
4. Febri               -                    4. Deri                   54
5. Giovanny         -                    5. Destyowati        69
6. Intan                -                     6. Dwi                  62
7. Michelle           -                    7. Eko                  48
8. M. Irfan         66                     8. Erwin               -
 9. Nanda            87                     9. Hidayatul        39
10. Pandu           86                    10. Farah             65
11. Reno             71                    11. Indah             73
12. Risky            47                    12. Juventa            -
13. Sandra         46                    13. Lastika           84
14. Willy             56                    14. Meidina         69
15. Yasser           57                    15. Rere              50
16. Reynaldi        -                    16. Sutrawan         70

KKM  75
yang kurang, remed. Lihat d jadwal waktunya !!


Berikut daftar nilai AGAMA ISLAM  Ujian 2 des' 13 kls 10

1. kifa             40                   1. aditya               41
2. agnes          75                   2. adnan               56
3. annisa         75                   3. affan                 60
4. aulia           78                   4. anggun              75
5. brilian         79                   5. annisa yusti       75
6. devi            85                   6. arsyan              76
7. dhea           76                   7. ermi                 42
8. dimas         53                   8. baasit               87
9. esa               -                   9. fadhilah             76
10. fabio        51                   10. hendrawan      46
11. falentina    85                  11. holillah             87
12. firda         85                  12. ludmila      80
13. firya        82                   13. maria         86
14. fitri          78                   14. mahesa      62
15. imanuel    -                     15. naufal         64
16. ivo          78                   16. nathalia         -
17. joshua     -                     17. nimas          82
18. melinda   82                   18. putri janis      -
19. m. farhan   75                19. raisha          75
20. nico           -                  20. remasil         82
21. ratih           58               21. rizky             56
22. rochmadi    75              22. slamet           64
23. silva            -                23. setyo hari      58
24. sisca           75              24. syarifah         75
25. yandika       64             25. tengku als      89
26. yoga            80            26. viku               78

 KKM  75
yang kurang, remed. Lihat d jadwal waktunya !!

Nilai Inggris kls 10 ujian 2 des'13

Berikut daftar nilai english Ujian 2 des' 13 kls 10

1. kifa             36                   1. aditya                  35
2. agnes          48                   2. adnan                  20
3. annisa         45                   3. affan                    48
4. aulia           90                    4. anggun                35
5. brilian         60                    5. annisa yusti         80
6. devi            72                    6. arsyan                80
7. dhea           37                   7. ermi                    30
8. dimas         50                    8. baasit                 78
9. esa             80                    9. fadhilah              80
10. fabio        56                    10. hendrawan       16
11. falentina    68                   11. holillah              70
12. firda         82                    12. ludmila             86
13. firya        70                     13. maria               92
14. fitri          72                     14. mahesa            36
15. imanuel    72                     15. naufal              50
16. ivo          70                      16. nathalia           48
17. joshua     60                      17. nimas              80
18. melinda   72                      18. putri janis        86
19. m. farhan   62                    19. raisha             86
20. nico           50                    20. remasil           86
21. ratih           52                    21. rizky              35
22. rochmadi    78                    22. slamet           78
23. silva            52                   23. setyo hari       34
24. sisca           42                   24. syarifah          70
25. yandika       66                  25. tengku als       84
26. yoga            80                 26. viku                75

KKM  75
yang kurang, remed. Lihat d jadwal waktunya !!

Nilai Inggris kls 11 ujian 2 des'13

Berikut daftar nilai english Ujian 2 des' 13 kls 11 IPA/IPS

1. Abdul      46                1. Andria      72             1. Agung      22 
2. Abiyyu    86                 2. Aries        24             2. Astari      55
3. Jaka       90                  3. Bagas      56              3. Brigitta    96
4. Beryl      80                  4. Bella        35              4. Daud      22
5. Gasani         72             5. cantika    75              5. Debby    80
6. Dzulfahmi     66             6. Clara      35              6. Desi       65
7. Efdise          76             7. Fatma     78              7. Fajar       -
8. Hazim         70              8. Hilastia    37             8. Fariz        55

9. Hilmi           62              9. Nyoman   52            9. Fatur       72
10. Intan         60              10. Gede Ivan    82      10. Febrina  75
11. Faqih        76              11. Irfan             42      11. Fiya       35
12. Maria       64              12. Ivendra        64      12. Gerry     35
13. Maulana   78              13. Karina         80      13. Helvia    66
14. Rofi          60             14. Kemal          84      14. Naufal   35
15. Togar       92              15. Lingga          75     15. Nurul     65
16. Nina        47              16. Maftuh      92        16. Panji       35
17. Radifan    98              17. Shiva        50        17. Putra      75
18. Rafidah    94              18. Audy        78        18.Asya        -
19. Regiana    80             19. Piyo          16        19. Rizki       33
20. Revinda    94             20. Putri          92        20. Tyas       45
21. Rosi         57             21. Rahayu      37        21. Yolanda  40
22. Suci         68             22. Ria            46         22. pingkan  65
23. Surya       86
24. Taufan      77
25. Ummu       65
26. Jibril           -

KKM  75
yang kurang, remed. Lihat d jadwal waktunya !!

Nilai Inggris kls 12 ujian 2 des'13

berikut daftar nilai english  Ujian 2 des' 13 kls 12 IPA/IPS

1. Arief              36                    1. Adinda             70
2. Deo               20                    2. Adzani              84
3. Danan            20                    3. Christine           44
4. Febri              72                    4. Deri                 71
5. Giovanny        76                    5. Destyowati      82
6. Intan                -                     6. Dwi                 96
7. Michelle         17                    7. Eko                 76
8. M. Irfan         76                     8. Erwin              72
9. Nanda           76                     9. Hidayatul         45
10. Pandu          92                    10. Farah             88
11. Reno            94                    11. Indah             77
12. Risky           57                    12. Juventa          40
13. Sandra         46                    13. Lastika          80
14. Willy            26                    14. Meidina         72
15. Yasser         44                    15. Rere              70
16. Reynaldi       50                    16. Sutrawan      70

KKM  75
yang kurang, remed. Lihat d jadwal waktunya !!

Jumat, 06 Desember 2013

Sindrom Tangan Alien

Pada umumnya orang bisa mengendalikan dan menyadari gerakan tangan dan kaki karena diatur oleh sistem saraf sadar. Tapi pada penderita sindrom tangan alien, gerakan tangan benar-benar tidak terkontrol dan tak disadari yang tentunya sangat merisaukan.

Sindrom tangan alien atau alien hand syndrom (AHS) bukanlah lelucon. Sindrom tangan alien merupakan gangguan saraf langka yang mana satu fungsi tangan bergerak tanpa sadar. Sindrom ini berbeda dengan penyakit Gerakan Bercermin ini dalam dunia medis dikenal dengan nama Mirror Movement disorder (MM).

Orang yang menderita sindrom tangan alien biasanya tanpa sadar menggerakkan tangannya sendiri, seperti menyentuh muka, meraba-raba benda di sekitarnya atau bahkan merobek-robek pakaian sendiri.

Bahkan untuk kasus yang cukup ekstrem, orang dengan AHS ini tanpa sadar akan memasukkan makanan ke dalam mulutnya, mencegah tangan normalnya menyelesaikan tugas-tugas sederhana sehingga mengakibatkan tersedak, atau mencekik lehernya sendiri.

"Hal ini tentunya sangat merisaukan, terkadang orang dengan AHS harus menggunakan tangan yang normal untuk menahan, memaksa atau mengontrol gerakan dari tangan aliennya," tulis Frederic Assal, MD, dari Departemen Ilmu Saraf Klinis di University Hospital di Jenewa, Swiss, dalam edisi online Annals of Neurology, seperti dilansir dari Foxnews, Jumat (11/6/2010).

Meskipun sindrom ini lebih dipandang sebagai gangguan saraf ketimbang ancaman medis, pasien sering mengalami masalah psikologis, malu dan kadang-kadang mengalami kondisi yang membahayakan diri sendiri.

Sindrom tangan alien yang juga dikenal dengan sindrom tangan anarkis (anarchic hand syndrome/AHS), pertama kali diidentifikasi pada tahun 1909 dan hanya ada 40 sampai 50 kasus yang tercatat waktu itu.

Penyebab sindrom ini masih sangat misterius. Namun, untuk membantu mengidentifikasi gangguan ini, Assal dan rekannya menggunakan functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) untuk melakukan scan (skrining) otak.

Scan otak dilakukan pada seorang pria usia 70 tahun yang menderita AHS setelah ia menderita stroke.

Scan otak dilakukan pada saat lengan pria tersebut diikat, sementara ia beristirahat. Pada saat orang tersebut memindahkan tangannya, hasil scan otak menunjukkan aktivitas di beberapa daerah otak.

Menurut Assal, selama terjadi gerakan-gerakan tangan alien, scan otak hanya menunjukkan aktivitas di sisi kanan otak, yaitu di daerah yang disebut korteks motor. Gerakan spontan dan sukarela yang melibatkan korteks motor ini tidak melibatkan bagian-bagian lain dari otak.

Tapi Assal dan rekannya tidak dapat menemukan pasien lain yang mengalami AHS, sehingga tidak jelas apakah gejala pada pasien ini mewakili gejala yang terjadi pada semua pasien sindrom tangan asing.

Namun dengan hasil ini, dokter setidaknya mengetahui bahwa temuan ini akan memberikan penjelasan baru tentang kontrol otak gerakan sukarela dan spontan.
Sumber : http://health.detik.com/read/2010/06/11/073514/1376042/763/sindrom-tangan-alien-yang-merisaukan

Minggu, 01 Desember 2013


 Ekosistem adalah suatu sistem ekologi yang terbentuk oleh hubungan timbal balik antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya. Ekosistem bisa dikatakan juga suatu tatanan kesatuan secara utuh dan menyeluruh antara segenap unsur lingkungan hidup yang saling mempengaruhi.

Komponen-komponen pembentuk ekosistem adalah Komponen hidup (biotik) dan Komponen tak hidup (abiotik).  Kedua komponen tersebut berada pada suatu tempat dan berinteraksi membentuk suatu kesatuan yang teratur.

 Ekosistem  dapat dibagi-bagi berdasarkan segi fungsionalnya, yaitu:

  • Sirkuit-sirkuit energi
  • Rantai-rantai makanan
  • Pola-pola keanekaragaman dalam waktu dan ruang
  • Daur-daur makanan (biogeokimia)
  • Perkembangan dan evolusi
  • pengendali Ekologi

Rantai makanan dan tingkat trofik

Produsen → konsumen→ dekomposer (pengurai)
Produsen → herbivora →carnivora → decomposer (pengurai)

Daur-Daur Makanan

Proses degradasi bahan organic yang panjang dan rumit itu mengendalikan sejumlah fungsi penting di dalam ekosistem, misalnya :
  • pendauran kembali hara-hara melalui mineralisasi  bahan organic mati dan pemulihan secara mikroba
  • pembentukan makanan untuk suatu urutan organisme-organisme di dalam rantai makanan detritus
  • pembentukan senyawa-senyawa ectocrine yang bersifat mengatur
  • modifikasi bahan-bahan yang lembam dari permukaan bumi

Pengendali Ekologi

Disebut Pengendali ekologi karena Ekosistem mampu memelihara dan mengatur diri sendiri seperti yang dilakukan oleh komponen-komponen populasi dan organisme-organismenya.

active passive in negative form

Rumus Umum : TO BE + V3
1.       Simple Present Tense
Aktif : S + do/does + not + V1
Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + not + V3 + by + O
Aktif : She doesn't write the book
Pasif : The book isn't written by her
Aktif : I don't wash the car
Pasif : The car isn't washed by me
2.       Present Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + to be (am, are, is) +  not + V1-ing
Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + not + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She isn't reading the book
Pasif : The book isn't being read by her
3.       Present Perfect Tense
Aktif : S + have/has + not + V3 + O
Pasif : S + have/has + not + been + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She hasn't written the book
Pasif : The book hasn't been written by her
Aktif : I haven't written the book
Pasif : The book hasn't been written by me
4.       Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + have/has + not + been + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + have/has + not + been + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She hasn't been reading the book
Pasif : The book hasn't been being read by her
Aktif : I haven't been washing the car
Pasif : The car hasn't been being washed by me
5.       Simple Past Tense
Aktif : S + did + not + V1
Pasif : S + to be (was, were) + not + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She didn't write a letter
Pasif : A letter wasn't written by her
6.       Past Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + to be (was, were) + not + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + to be (was, were) + not + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She wasn't washing the car
Pasif : The car wasn't being washed by her
7.       Past Perfect Tense
Aktif : S + had + not + V3 + O
Pasif : S + had + not + been + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She hadn't washed the car
Pasif : The car hadn't been washed by her
8.       Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + had + not + been + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + had + not + been + being + V3 + by + O
Aktif : She hadn't been washing the car
Pasif : The car hadn't been being washed  by her
9.       Simple Future Tense
Aktif : S + will + not + V1 + O
Pasif : S + will + not + be + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She won't wash the car
Pasif : The car won't be washed by her
10.   Future Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + will + not + be + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + will + not + be + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She won'tl be washing the car
Pasif : The car won't be being washed by her
11.   Future Perfect Tense
Aktif : S + will + not + have + V3 + O
Pasif : S + will + not + have + been + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She won't have washed the car
Pasif : The car won't have been washed by her
12.   Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + will + not + have + been + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + will + not + have + been + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She won't have been washing the car
Pasif : The car won't have been being washed by her
13.   Si mple Future Past Tense
Aktif : S + would +not +  V1
Pasif : S + would + not + be + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She wouldn't wash the car
Pasif : The car wouldn't be washed by her
14.   Future Past Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + would + not + be + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + would + not + be + being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She wouldn't be washing the car
Pasif : The car wouldn't be being washed by her
15.   Future Past Perfect Tense
Aktif : S + would + not + have + V3 + O
Pasif : S + would + not + have + been + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She wouldn't have washed the car
Pasif : The car wouldn't have been washed by her
16.   Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Aktif : S + would + not + have + been + V1-ing + O
Pasif : S + would + not + have + been +being + V3 + by + O
Contoh :
Aktif : She wouldn't have been washing the car
Pasif : The car wouldn't have been being washed by her
Semoga bermanfaat :)

related link :

Minggu, 24 November 2013

Mesin Plastik Yang Di Gerakkan Oleh Cahaya

Selamat datang di blog saya….
Beberapa kimiawan di Jepang telah berhasil membuat sebuah mesin putar yang seratus persen dijalankan oleh cahaya yang dipancarkan ke sebuah lapisan polimer.
Lapisan ini berkontraksi dan berekspansi pada saat cahaya mengenainya, karena lapisan ini merupakan elastomer kristal cair, yaitu sebuah material dengan rantai polimer panjang seperti karet, yang juga terdiri dari susunan molekul-molekul mirip sel reseptor retina (kristal-kristal cair, seperti yang digunakan pada televisi layar datar). Sinar ultraviolet merubah susunan molekul-molekul kristal cair tersebut, sehingga membuat lapisan elastomer menyusut. Penyusutan ini akan berbalik apabila material terkena sinar tampak, dan menyebabkan lapisan polimer berekspansi.
Kristal cair ini merespon terhadap cahaya karena dibuat menggunakan molekul-molekul azobenzen, yang ikatan rangkap nitrogen-nitrogen pusatnya bisa mengadopsi dua konfigurasi berbeda. Jika kedua gugus cabang molekul berada pada sisi berlawanan dari pusat N=N (konfigurasi trans), maka molekul yang terbentuk lurus dan dengan mudah membentuk kristal-kristal cair. Setelah terkena sinar UV, kedua gugus cabang tersebut berada pada sisi yang sama dari pusat N=N (cis) sehingga molekul yang terbentuk mengadopsi bentuk yang lebih melengkung seperti bumerang.
Kelompok penelitian Tomiki Ikeda di Institut Teknologi Tokyo, Yokohama, mencari cara bagaimana menggunakan efek ini untuk mengubah cahaya menjadi gerakan. Pertama-tama, mereka membuat sebuah pita silinder dari elastomer kristal cair dan menggunakan pita silinder tersebut untuk menghubungkan dua cakram, yang satu berdiameter 10mm dan yang lainnya 3mm.
Dengan memberikan sinar UV pada bagian atas cakram yang lebih kecil dan sinar tampak pada cakram yang lebih besar, mereka dapat memutar kedua cakram tersebut. Menurut mereka, lapisan polimer pada pita berkontraksi setelah terkena sinar UV sehingga menarik pita ke kiri. Pada bagian atas roda yang lebih besar, dimana pita terkena sinar tampak, lapisan polimer pada pita berekspansi sehingga mendorong roda dengan arah yang berlawanan jarum jam.
David Leigh, seorang kimiawan asal Edinburgh, yang telah mengembangkan motor molekuler, menyambut baik temuan ini. “Contoh-contoh seperti ini, dimana efek pergerakan tingkat molekuler yang terkontrol diekstrapolasi ke dunia makroskopis secara langsung dan sangat dapat diamati, adalah ilustrasi yang sangat penting tentang apa yang bisa dilakukan di masa mendatang, sekalipun bidang motor molekuler ini masih dalam tahapan awal,” kata David Leigh.
Bagi Ikeda, roda-roda kecil yang diputar oleh cahaya, seperti yang mereka temukan ini, adalah pertanda dari akan ditemukannya roda-roda besar yang diputar oleh cahaya. “Saya mendambakan sebuah mobil yang semua komponennya terbuat dari plastik, yang bergerak maju dan mundur dengan cahaya,” kata Ikeda ke Chemistry Wold. “Mobil ini akan memiliki dua set cakram yang ditutupi oleh pita dari material polimer fotomobile. Dengan menyaring cahaya matahari menggunakan lembaran-lembaran plastik, kita bisa menyinari bagian-bagian tertentu dari pita plastik pada cakram baik dengan sinar UV atau sinar tampak untuk menggerakkan mobil plastik tersebut.”
Terimaksih atas kunjungan anda…
Semoga artikel ini bermanfat untuk membantu dalam dalam informasi khususnya jurusan mesin..

Selasa, 19 November 2013

direct indirect Table for change in tense of reported speech for all TENSES.

There two ways to convey a message of a person, or the words spoken by a person to other person.
  1. Direct speech
  2. Indirect speech
Suppose your friend whose name is John tells you in school, “I will give you a pen”. You come to home and you want to tell your brother what your friend told you. There are two ways to tell him.

Direct speech:
John said, “I will give you a pen”.
Indirect Speech: John said that he would give me a pen.

In direct speech the original words of person are narrated (no change is made) and are enclosed in quotation mark. While in indirect speech some changes are made in original words of the person because these words have been uttered in past so the tense will change accordingly and pronoun may also be changed accordingly. In indirect speech the statement of the person is not enclosed in quotation marks, the word “that” may be used before the statement to show that it is indirect speech.  Indirect speech is also called reported speech because reported speech refers to the second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by a person.
Reporting verb: The verb first part of sentence (i.e. he said, she said, he says, they said, she says,) before the statement of a person in sentence is called reporting verb.
Examples. In all of the following example the reporting verb is “said”.
              He said, “I work in a factory”                           (Direct speech)
              He said that he worked in a factory.                (Indirect speech)
              They said, “we are going to cinema”               (Direct speech)
              They said that they were going to cinema.      (Indirect speech)

Reported Speech. The second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by a person (which is enclosed in quotation marks in direct speech) is called reported speech. For example, a sentence of indirect speech is, He said that he worked in a factory. In this sentence the second part “he worked in a factory” is called reported speech and that is why the indirect speech as a whole can also be called reported speech.

Fundamental rules for indirect speech.

  1. Reported speech is not enclosed in quotation marks.
  2. Use of word “that”: The word “that” is used as a conjunction between the reporting verb and reported speech.
  3. Change in pronoun: The pronoun (subject) of the reported speech is changed according to the pronoun of reporting verb or object (person) of reporting verb (first part of sentence). Sometimes the pronoun may not change.
In following example the pronoun of reported speech is “I” which will be changed in indirect speech into the pronoun (Subject) of reporting verb that is “he”.


       Direct speech: He said, “I am happy”
       Indirect Speech: He said that he was happy.
       Direct speech: I said to him, “you are intelligent”
       Indirect Speech: I said him that he was intelligent. (“You” changed to “he” the                                                                                person of object of reporting verb)
  1. Change in time: Time is changed according to certain rules like now to then, today to that day, tomorrow to next day and yesterday to previous day.
Direct speech: He said, “I am happy today”
Indirect Speech: He said that he was happy that day.
  1. Change in the tense of reported speech: If the first part of sentence (reporting verb part) belongs to past tense the tense of reported speech will change. If the first part of sentence (reporting verb part) belongs to present or future tense, the tense of reported speech will not change.
   Direct speech: He said, “I am happy”
   Indirect Speech: He said that he was happy. (Tense of reported speech changed)
   Direct speech: He says, “I am happy”
   Indirect Speech: He said that he is happy. (Tense of reported speech didn’t                                                                                    change)

Table for change in tense of reported speech for all TENSES.

     Present simple tense into Past simple
     Present Continuous tense into Past continuous
     Present Perfect tense into Pas perfect
     Present Perfect Continuous into Past perfect continuous
     Past simple into Past Perfect
     Past Continuous into Past Perfect Continuous
     Past Perfect into Past Perfect
     Future simple, will into would
     Future Continuous, will be into would be
     Future Perfect, will have into would have





                 PRESENT SIMPLE changes into PAST SIMPLE

He said, “I write a letter”

She said, “he goes to school daily”

They said, “we love our country”

He said, “he does not like computer”
He said that he wrote a letter.

He said that she went to school daily.

They said that they loved their country
He said that he did not like computer.


He said, “he is listening to the music”

She said, “I am washing my clothes”

They said, “we are enjoying the weather”

I said, “it is raining”
She said, “I am not laughing”
He said that he was listening to the music.

She said that she was washing her clothes.

They said that they were not enjoying the weather.

She said that she was not laughing.

              PRESENT PERFECT changes into PAST PERFECT

She said, “he has finished his work”

He said, “I have started a job”

I said, “she have eaten the meal”

They said, “we have not gone to New York.
She said that he had finished his work.

He said that he had started a job.

I said that she had eaten the meal.
They said that they had not gone to New York.


He said, “I have been studying since 3 O’clock”

She said, “It has been raining for three days.”

I said, “She has been working in this office since 2007”
He said that he had been studying since 3 O’clock.

She said that it been raining for three days.

I said that she had been working in this office since 2007.


                PAST SIMPLE changes into PAST PERFECT

He said to me, “you answered correctly”

John said, “they went to cinema”

He said, “I made a table”
She said, “I didn’t buy a car”
He said to me that I had answered correctly.

John said that they had gone to cinema.

He said that he had made a table.
She said that she had not bought a car.


They said, “we were enjoying the weather”

He said to me, “ I was waiting for you”

I said, “It was raining”
She said, “I was not laughing”
They said that they had been enjoying.

He said to me that he had been waiting for me.
I said that it had been raining.

She said that she not been laughing.

PAST PERFECT changes into PAST PERFECT (tense does not change)

She said, “She had visited a doctor”

He said, “I had started a business”

I said, “she had eaten the meal”

They said, “we had not gone to New York.
She said that she had visited a doctor.

He said that he had started a business.

I said that she had eaten the meal.

They said they had not gone to New York.


WILL changes into WOULD

He said, “I will study the book”

She said, “I will buy a computer”

They said to me, “we will send you gifts”

I said, “I will not take the exam”
He said that he would study the book.

She said that she would buy a computer.

They said to me that they would send you gifts.
I said that I would not take the exam.

WILL BE changes into WOULD BE

I said to him, “ I will be waiting for him”

She said,” I will be shifting to new home”

He said, “I will be working hard”

He said, “he will not be flying kite”
I said to him that I would be waiting for him.

She said that she would be shifting to a new home.

He said that he would be working hard.

She said that he would not be flying kites.


He said, “I will have finished the work”

She said, “they will have passed the examination”

He said, “I will have gone”
He said that he would have finished the work.

She said that they would have passed the examination.

He said that he would have gone.
Note: The tense of reported speech may not change if reported speech is a universal truth though its reporting verb belongs to past tense.


       Direct speech: He said, “Mathematics is a science”
       Indirect Speech: He said that mathematics is a science.
       Direct speech: He said, “Sun rises in east”
       Indirect Speech: He said that sun rises in east. (Tense didn’t change because                                    reported speech is a universal truth thought its reporting verb                                    belongs to past tense)

just example for X.I

1. A terrible tornado damage the village severely.
2. the tsunami completely sweep away the whole town.
3.he writes love letter to amanda.
4. they are calling my boyfriend.
5. Bule cut my finger.

6.  Our goverment develops good aducational system.
7.  The woman is singing a song.
8.  Player played the guitar.
9.  Celine Dion washes the car everyday
10.  the doctor is examining the patient at the moment.

11. they are lifting the stones.

Senin, 18 November 2013


Remasyl Remasyl Remasyl Remasyl Remasyl Remasyl Remasyl

Direct Speech (Kalimat Langsung) ialah kata-kata kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh si pembicara.
Indirect Speech (Kalimat Tak Langsung) ialah kalimat yang diucapkan untuk melaporkan kata-katansi pembicara kepada orang lain. Jadi, Indirect Speech (Reported Speech) digunakan bila kita ingin melaporkan kata-kata seseorang kepada orang lain secara tak langsung.

Direct & Indirect Speech terdiri dari 3 jenis yaitu :
I.         Statement (pernyataan)
II.      Command (perintah)
III.   Question (pertanyaan)
Perubahan-perubahan yang perlu dari Direct ke Indirect Speech :
1.        To be & Auxiliary Verbs
Direct                                       Indirect
Am/is/are                    -             was/were
Shall/will                     -             should/would
Can                             -             could
May                            -             might
Have/has to                 -             had to
Ought to

2.        Time & Place (keterangan waktu & tempat)
Direct                                       Indirect
now                                 -           then
tomorrow                         -           the following day
next week                        -           the following week
tonight                             -           that night
today                               -           that day
yesterday                         -           the day before
last night                          -           the night before
last week                         -           the week before,
                                                    the precious week
here                                  -           there
this                                   -           that
these                                -           those

3.        Tenses
Direct                                       Indirect
Simple present                   -        simple past
Simple past
                                           -        past perfect
Present perfect
Present continous              -        past continous
Present perfect continous  -        past perfect continous
Simple future                     -        past future

I.         STATEMENT
Dalam Indirect Statement kita menggunakan kata that (bahwa) sebagai penghubung antara kalimat pengantar (introduce phrase) dan kata-kata yang dilaporkan (reported words). Kalimat-kalimat pengantar dalam indirect statement ialah :

He said
He said to me                    that + reported words
He told me

e.g  - Mary told her friends “I have been to Bali twice.”
- Mary told her friends that she had been to Bali twice.

-   Father said “I am going out of town tomorrow”
-   Father said that he was going out of town the following day.

-   Mary told John “my father warned me last night”
-   Mary told John that her father had arned her the night before.

-   My sister said to me “I don’t like tennis”
-   My sister said to me that she didn’t like tennis.

-   Tom said “I didn’t go to school this morning”
-   Tom said that he hadn’t gone to school that morning.

Apabila kalimat pengantarnya dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense, maka kalimat yang dilaporkan tidak mengalami perubahan.
e.g  - John says “I will go to Bandung tomorrow”
- John says that he will go to Bandung tomorrow

-   Mary says “I have seen that film”
-   Mary says that she has seen that film.

-   My brother says “I met Tom at the party last night”
-   My brother says that he met Tom at the party last night.

-   Tom says “I don’t like English”
-   Tom says that he don’t like English.

Command dibagi dalam 2 (dua) bagian yaitu :
1.      Positive Command
Dalam perintah positif kita tambahkan to di depan kalimat perintahnya, sebagai penghubung antara kalimat pengantar dan perintah yang dilaporkan. Kalimat-kalimat pengantar dalam jenis ini ialah :
to + infinitive
He asked me
He told me
e.g   - He asked me “Open your book”
- He asked me to open my book.

-  Mary told me “Stop talking to Jane”
-  Mary told me to stop talking to Jane.

-  Mother asked John “Pay attention to what I say”
-  Mother asked John to pay attention to what she says.

-  John told Mary “Wait until I come”
-  John told Mary to wait until he comes.

-  The teacher said to the students “Be quiet while I am talking”
-  The teacher told the students to be quiet while she is talking.

2.      Negative Command
Dalam  perintah negatif kita tambahkan not  to di depan perintah yang dilaporkan.

e.g   - Mary told John “Don’t wait for me”
- Mary told John not to wait for her.

-  I told him “Don’t mention it to anyone”
-  I told him not to mention it to anyone.

-  Father asked her “Don’t go there alone”
-  Father asked her not to go there alone.

-  Ira asked Tom “Don’t come to my house again”
-  Ira asked tom not to come to her house again.

-  Mothers asked John “Don’t smoke too much”
-  Mother asked John not to smoke too much.
Bila pertanyaan langsung (direct question) menggunakan kata-kata tanya seperti ; Where, When, Why, What, Who, How, dll, maka kata-kata tersebut digunakan sebagai penghubung dalam reported Speech. Pertanyaan yang dilaporkan berubaha menjadi bentuk positif. Kalimat pengantarnya ialah :

Positive Form
He asked me       where
                 When etc.  
e.g   - The man asked me : “Where do you live ?”
- The man asked me where I lived.

-  John asked Mary : “Why do you get angry with me ?”
-  John asked Mary why she got angry with him.

-  I asked him : “When did you get back from your trip ?”
-  I asked him when he had got back from his trip.

-  He asked me : “How will you go there ?”
-  He asked me how I would go there.

-  John asked the girl : “What is your name ?”
-  John asked the girl what her name was.

Bila pertanyaan langsung tidak menggunakan kata-kata tanya, dan hanya merupakan pertanyaan dalam bentuk “Yes & No Question”, maka kita menggunakan kata-kata if, whether (jika, apakah) sebagai penghubung antara kalimat pengantar dan pertanyaan yang dilaporkan.

e.g   - The boy asked John : “Does Mary live near  here?”
- The boy asked John if Mary lived near there.

-  The teacher asked her : “Have you finish your homework ?”
-  The teacher asked her if he had finished her homework.

-  Mary asked me : “Did you she John at the party the night before.
-  Mary asked me whether I had seen John at the party the night before.

-  We asked them : “Will you go to the movie with us tonight ?”
-  We asked them whether they would go to the movie with us that night.

-  Mother asked John : “Are you going to marry her ?”
-  Mother asked John if he was going to marry her.

Note :    Baik if maupun whether dapat digunakan bergantian

Bila pertanyaan dan pernyataan digabung dalam Reported Speech maka kita menggunakan kata as (karena) sebagai penghubung pada bagian kalimat pernyataan yang dilaporkan. Dalam hal ini kalimat pernyataan tersebut dilaporkan kemudian. Perhatikanlah contoh-contoh berikut ini :
e.g   - She asked me :”What is the time ?”, my watch has stopped.
- She asked me what the time was as her watch had stopped.

-  Ira asked John :”what is the matter with you ?”, You don’t look well.
-  Mary asked John what the matter was with him as he didn’t look well.

-  I asked her :”How long have you been studying English ?”, Your accent is very good.
-  I asked her how long she had been studying English as he her accent was very good.

-  He told me :”I am off to the movie,” Where are you going ?”
-  He told me that he was off to the movie and asked me where I was going.

-  She said :”It is cold inside,” Is the window open ?
-  She said that it was cold inside and asked if the window was open.

Bila dalam pertanyaan langsung disertai dengan jawaban Yes dan No, maka kita menggunakan kata but sebagai penghubung untuk jawaban No dan kata and sebagai penghubung untuk jawaban Yes.
e.g   - He asked me :”Will you go out wiith me ?” No, I won’t.
-  He asked me if I would go out with him but I said I wouldn’t.

-  Mother asked John :”Have you had lunch ?” No, I haven’t.
-  Mother asked John if he had had lunch but he said he hadn’t.

-  She asked me :”Can you meet me tomorrow ?” No.
-  She asked me if I could meet her the following day but I said I couldn’t.

-  I asked her :”Do you like vegetables ?” Yes, I do.
-  Is asked her if she liked veggetables and she said she did.

-  Mary asked John :”Did you phone me last night ?” Yes, I did.
-  Mary asked John if he had phoned her the night before and he said he had.

-  Father asked me :”Are you going to the movie tonight ?” Yes.
-  Father asked me if I was going to the movie that night and I said I was.

Direct & Indirect with Auxiliaries
Perhatikan perubahan-perubahan yang perlu dari Auxiliaries
Direct                                       Indirect
Was/were                         -           had been
can                                   -           could
may                                  -           might
must & have to                -           had to
must not                          -           wasn’t to/musn’t
needn’t                            -           didn’t have to

e.g -  Mary said :” I was sick yesterday.”
-  Mary said that she had been sick the day before.

-  The man asked me :” Can you speak English ?”
-  The man asked me if I could speak English.

-  Mary said to John :”You may come to my house tomorrow.”
-  Mary said to John that she might come to his house the following day.

-  Mother told John :”You must study harder if you want to pass the exam.”
-  Mother told John that he had to study harder if he wanted to pass the exam.

-  The police told me :” You must not drive without license.”
-  The police told me that I wasn’t to drive without license.”

-  The teacher told them :”You needn’t hurry.”
-  The teacher told them that they didn’t have to hurry.

mari saya ulang kembali agar kalian paham ( khususnya 11 anak cowok yang kemarin di ajarin tersendiri)

 Direct and Indirect Speech ada 3 macam:
1. Statement (Pernyataan) yang menggunakan “that”
He said, “we will go to Singapore tomorrow”
He said that they would go to Singapore the next day.
Bob said, ” I’m a university student”
Bob said that he was a university student.

2. Command (Perintah) menambahkan kata “to” sebagai penghubung kalimat melaporkan dengan yang dilaporkan. “not to” dalam perintah negatif.

He told me, “wait for me !”
He told me to wait for him.
She told me, “don’t cheat anymore !”
She told me not to cheat anymore.

3. Question (Pertanyaan) jika kalimat dari jenis “yes or no question”, maka bentuk laporannya menggunakan if atau whether.

Ina asked me, “Do you really love me?”
Ina asked me if/whether I really loved her.
Mixed type:
Anton asked me, “what’s happening to you ? You look so pale”
Anton asked me what was happening to me as I looked so pale.
Catatan: Past Tense kadang-kadang tidak berubah dalam percakapan.


1.      D : She says to her friend, “ I have been reading “
I : She says to her friend that he has been reading
2.      D : He will say, “ The girl wasn’t ugly “
I : He will tell them that the girl wasn’t ugly
3.      D : Reza said, “ I’m very sleepy “
I : Reza said that he was very sleepy
4.      D : He has told you, “ I am writing “
I : He has told you that he is writing
5.      D : Mother said to her son, “ study hard “
I : Mothe advised her son to study hard
6.      D : My friend said to me, “ I don’t like football “
I : My friend said to me that he didn’t like football
7.      D : She said, “ I didn’t go to campus
I : She said that she hadn’t gone to campus this morning
8.      D : Rikza says, “ I have seen that movies “
I : Rikza says that she has seen that movies
9.      D : Mother asked her, “ Don’t go there alone “
I : Mother asked her not to go there alone
10.  D : Father asked robi, “ Don’t smoke too much “
I : Father asked robi not to smoke too much

asal yang inti di atas kalian pahami, yakin deh kalian bisa.

semoga Bermanfaat n Selamat Berjuang !!!