Rabu, 02 Juni 2021

kls xi procedure teks soal latihan


A.      Kompetensi Dasar

3.6. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis denganmemberi dan meminta informasi terkait manual penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.6.1.      Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks prosedur lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk manual terkait penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips).

4.6.2.      Menyusun teks prosedur, lisan dantulis, dalam bentuk manual terkait penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat.

Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re your


Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically

inflated by pulling a cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.

A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in case of emergency.

The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.

We wish you an enjoyable flight.


1.    Where is the life jacket located?

A. Over the head *

B. Around the waist.

C. Outsite the aircraft.

D. In the back of the seat.

E. Under the seat.


2.    What can interfere the navigational system?

A. Table.

B. The life jacket.

C. Mobile phones *

D. The attached light.

E. Tapes around the waist.


3.         What is the purpose of the text?

A.   To inform the readers about the function of a life jacket.

B.   To describe the way how to save lives using a life jacket.

C.   To tell the readers about the safe flight instruction. *

D.   To inform the readers to take precaution steps.

E.   To explain the process of life evacuation during the disaster.


4.         ‘…as they interfere the communication and navigational system…’. The underlined word is similar in meaning with…

A.   Change

B.   Destruct

C.   Stimulate

D.   Operate

E.   Disturb *


5.         What is the best arrangement for the following procedure text?

1.    Read over the service agreement and click the box saying that you agree to abide by the email system's rules. Once completed, click on the Submit or Enter button at the bottom of the screen.

2.    Find where to sign up. Usually, there is a small link image or text that says "register" or "sign up," although you may have to go to the login page to find this.

3.    Visit a website that offers an email service. Usually are yahoo.com, google.com, and hotmail.com.

4.    Follow all the instructions on the page, filling out all the needed details.

5.    Email has been created. Continue on to import your contacts, message with friends, or write emails, plus much more.

A.   3 - 2 - 4 - 1 – 5 *

B.   3 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 5

C.   3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 5

D.   3 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 5

E.   3 - 1 - 2 - 4 – 5


9.       In a business situation, answer the phone                stating your name and company: “Good morning, thank you for calling ABC company. This Jane Doe. How may I help you?”

A.     professionally

B.      appropriately *

C.      slowly

D.     strongly

E.      suddenly

10.   If  the  caller  requests  details  about  you  or  others,  consider                    before responding.

A.     unwisely

B.      rudely

C.      immediately

D.     carefully *

E.      immediately

A.          Kompetensi Dasar

3. 2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan I think, I suppose, in my opinion)

4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan pikiran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

1.              Woman        :       What  do  you  think  of  my  appearance?   Do   I   look   okay?   Man    :                   Well, yes. But it will be more elegant if you wear a long black dress. Woman        :    Alright.

What is the dialogue about?

A.            The woman’s dress

B.            The elegant woman

C.            The woman’s black dress

D.            The woman’s appearance *

E.             The man’s complaint about the woman


2.              Man            :         Oh my god, this traffic is making me crazy. Woman        :                   Absolutely! I think there must be an accident.

Man           :        I think so too. It’s almost seven o’clock. We’ll be late for school.

Woman        :       We’d better tell our teacher that we’re coming late, because of the traffic. We hope and pray that traffic will be fine soon and we will not miss the first lesson

Man           :        Okay, let’s call her.

What is the best solution they have?

A.            make themselves crazy

B.            come late to school

C.            call the teacher *

D.            hope and pray

E.             miss the first lesson


3.              Woman       :         Look at me! Does this long red dress suit on me, John?

Man           :        I don’t think so. I think the green long dress is better than the red


Woman     :        How about the short black one, then?

Man           :        Yes, that suits you. You look gorgeous with that one.


Which dress suits the woman?

A.            The short red one.

B.            The short green one.

C.            The short black one. *

D.            The long red one.

E.             The long green one.


4.              Dio             :         Can    you    give    me    an    opinion    about     my     sculpture?  

Jon             :         Sure  thing!  I  think  you  should  have   had   fixed   the   hand.  

Dio             :         Thanks, Jon.

Jon             :        No problem!

From the dialogue above, Dio is…

A.            asking for help

B.            giving help

C.            giving opinion

D.            asking for an opinion *

E.             asking for help




5.              Jul              : Ria, what do you think of the cake I bake? Ria      :           It’s really delicious, Jul. I love it!

Jul: yes!


From the dialogue above, Jul is … .

A.            asking for an opinion *

B.            asking for help

C.            requesting for attention

D.            giving an item

E.             giving opinion


6.              Dave           :         So, what do you think of my singing?

John          :        It’s really good, but I suggest  to  try  singing  in  a  high  tune.  Dave     :                   Thanks, John.

John          :        No problem, Dave! From the dialogue above, John is … .


A.            asking for help

B.            giving an opinion *

C.            asking for an opinion

D.            giving help

E.             giving attention


7.              Jade            :         What do you think of my drawing?

Rose          :        It’s amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here. Jade :                   Thank     you      so      much      for       you       opinon,       Rose! Rose  :           My pleasure.

From the dialogue above, Rose is…

A.            asking for attention

B.            asking a question

C.            giving an opinion *

D.            giving help

E.             asking for help


8.              Andy          :         What do you think about the restaurant? Budy           :           I think the price is too expensive

From the dialogue above we can conclude that … .

A.            Budy is expressing pleasure

B.            Andy is expressing pleasure

C.            Budy is expressing displeasure

D.            Andy is expressing displeasure

E.             Budy is giving opinion *


9.              Mita            :         What do you think about the fairy? Bayu      :           I think she deserves to return to heaven We can conclude that Mita is …

A.            asking for information from bayu

B.            asking bayu’s opinion *

C.            giving her opinion to bayu

D.            agreeing with bayu’s opinion

E.             disagreeing with bayu’s opinion



10.          Adi             :        

Ina             :        I think it’s great.

A.            Have you read this book?

B.            What do you think of this book? *

C.            What is it?

D.            Do you know this?

E.             How do you do?