Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

soal REMEDIAL kls XI yg nilai 55 - 70

soal di bawah KHUSUS DI KERJAKAN oleh : 1.FEBRIANY NATASHA         2.RERE            3. DERI        4.CHRISTINE
TUGAS KAMU ADALAH :  A. jawab pertanyaanya dgn benar     B. Terjemahkan text dan smua soal nya     
Bali, the fabled ”island of the Gods”, has been enchanting visitors for centuries with its rich cultural traditions and spectacular panoramas. From lofty, misty enshrouded volcanoes and cool mountain lakes down through terraced rice fields to a golden strand lapped by azure waters, every square inch of Bali offers a fresh and unforgettable image.
No less enchanting are its people, some 2.7 million souls whose artistry and piety are recognized trough out the world. Balinese Hinduism, a complex fusion of Indian cosmology, Tantric Buddhism and home grown mythology, is the primary faith of Bali’s inhabitants, and so deeply woven into the fabric of their daily lives that the line between the spiritual and the material is blurry at best.
The shoppers among you will find Bali a treasure house of handicrafts and fine works of art. The Balinese are incredibly gifted artists and craftsmen, and their material creations are imbued with the same sense of wonderment with which they regard their universe. Stone and woodcarvings, traditional and modern paintings, and intricately designed jewelry in gold and silver are readily available in shops and galleries throughout the island.
As for recreation, there is no shortage of options. Nature walks, horseback riding, diving, surfing, bunny jumping, and white water rafting await the adventurous here.

1.        The main idea of paragraph 2 is ...
a.           Daily lives of Balinese 
b.          Population of Bali.
c.           Bali’s inhabitants.
d.          Balinese region.
e.          Balinese people.
2.        The synonym  uzure in paragraph 1 is ...
a.           Bright green             d. Dark green
b.          Bright blue                e. Dark blue
c.           Bright red.
3.        The word they in paragraph 3 refers to ...
a.           Craftsmen                d. Gifted artistic
b.          Fine works               e. Wood carvings
c.           The balinese.
4.        Which one of recreational activities is NOT mentioned in the text?
a.           Horseback riding   d. diving
b.          Nature walks          e. Skiing
c.           Surfing.

The Fly and the Bull

There was once a little fly that thought he was very important. One sunny morning, he flew around looking for someone to talk to. He saw a bull grazing in a field. He decided to fly down to talk to him.
The little fly flew down and buzzed around the bull head. The Bull did not bother with him. He went on chewing grass. The fly then buzzed right inside the Bull’s ear. The bull continued chewing grass.
Now, the fly decided to land on one of the Bull’s horns to make the Bull notice him. He waited for the Bull to say something, but the Bull kept quite.
The fly then shouted angrily,“oh, Bull, if you find that i am too heavy for you, let me know and I’ll fly away!“
The Bull laughed and said,‘little fly, I don’t care if you stay or leave. You are so tiny that your weight does not make any difference to me, so please be quiet and leavve me alone.“

1.        What is the type of the text above ?
a.           Description.                  d. recount.
b.          Procedure.                    e. report.
c.           Narrative.     
2.        What is the moral value of the story above?
a.           We have to try hard to make a lot of friends.
b.          We mustn’t be the ignored men.
c.           We must be the ignored people.
d.          Don’t be jealous.
e.          Don’t be lazy.                 
3.        Which one belongs to the major complication of the story above?
a.           The little fly flew down and buzzed around the bull’s head.
b.          There was once a little fly that thought he was very important.
c.           One sunny morning he flew around llooking for someone to talk to.
d.          The fly shouted angrily,”oh, Bullif you find that i am too heavy, let me know and i will be away!’
e.          Now, the fly decided to land on one of the Bull’s horn to make the Bull notice him. He waited for the bull to say something, but the bull kept quiet.
4.        What happened to the bull when the little fly shouted to him ?
a.           He talked to the little fly.
b.          The bull paid attention to the little fly.
c.           The bull felt bothered by the little fly.
d.          He thought that he was very important.
e.          He didn’t care to the little fly and said that the weight didin’t make any difference to him.
5.        Why did the little fly look for someone to talk to ?
a.           He wanted to show that he was very important.
b.          He wanted to show his wings, which are very beautiful.
c.           He wanted to be a friendly insect.
d.          He did it just for fun.
e.          He felt lonely.
1. What is the purpose of analytical exposition ?

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